
N+R combines function, economy and aesthetics

As experienced architects specializing in industrial construction, we specialize in developing the optimal floor plan for your needs from an economic and design perspective.

The requirements for industrial buildings are usually very different and complex. This is especially true for projects with clean rooms. It is crucial to determine and understand your needs. This is the most important basic prerequisite for designing a project that is optimized for you.

We accompany your new building or renovation project through all phases, from the determination of your needs to the implementation of the perfect concept for you.

Your advantage: We organize your building so that your processes work perfectly. What‘s more, you benefit from our ambition to organize your needs in the most compact spaces possible – for staying within your budget, this is the biggest lever of all.

What our customers say: How we work was aptly summed up by a representative from B. Braun: „ ... a fine sense for our needs and pragmatic solutions. In addition, incredibly uncomplicated and energetic implementation.“

Cleanroom Factory 4.0 for B. Braun Melsungen
The filter factory project for B. Braun in Wilsdruff near Dresden posed very special challenges in all planning and execution phases.

In an upstream architectural competition, ideas were sought for the overall campus, and concrete proposals for the first construction phase of the dialysis filter factory.

Neugebauer+Rösch Architekten won the competition and, as architects, were responsible for all phases up to the handover of the finished factory.


Neugebauer+Rösch Architekten PartGmbB
N+R Generalplaner GmbH
Eberhardstraße 61 70173
Tel. +711 24 84 778-0


Robert Rösch
Managing Director

Company data
Founded: 2016
Staff: 10+

Stuttgart (Germany)
Dresden (Germany)

Business areas
General planning
Interior Project management

B. Braun, EMAG, Zeiss, National Bank Kazakhstan, EMAG China, Eldec, Schmalz

BDA, VIP3000 e. V., Architects chamber, Mensa

Saxonian Architecture Award
Hugo-Häring Preis
German Iconic Award
German Brand Award
Vorbildliches Bauen



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