VIP3000 – the association
The association "Interessengemeinschaft Pharmabau 3000 e. V." endeavours to promote all technologies for the planning and realisation of modern pharmaceutical production facilities and associated specialist areas, to make new findings and their application known, and to support their implementation. This includes pharmaceutical process engineering, building services engineering, and the construction of production buildings in compliance with pharmaceutical regulations.
For more than two decades, VIP3000, under the leadership of an elected seven-member board of directors, has successfully bundled the experience and ideas of leading companies and research institutions of suppliers as well as planners and universities into a competence network for future-oriented know-how in cleanroom and pharmaceutical construction. In the future, it will be even easier for members of the network to implement their own demanding projects with suitable experts.

The board of the Interessengemeinschaft Pharmabau e. V. consisting of six elected members (from left to right): Ulrich Fedler (Secretary), Ralf Stahl (Coordinator), Stefan Göstl (Vice President), Ralf Gengenbach (Präsident), Katrin Mützel (Treasurer), Ingo Sternitzke (Vice President)
VIP3000 – the seal of quality
The members of VIP3000 carry an exclusive seal of excellence. They commit themselves to products and services of the highest quality as an essential selection criterion for clients. The goal of VIP3000 for the pharmaceutical industry is to secure and expand the quality of pharmaceutical production on a long-term and sustainable basis. The vision, however, includes more: further developing cleanroom system solutions, optimising building constructions and using resources more economically. VIP3000 offers its members a unique pool of know-how for ideas and concepts with foresight.

VIP3000 as a forum of competence
Know-how from many years of industry experience. That is what the members of VIP3000 have been successfully relying on for more than two decades. Trade fairs and working groups are the best forum for what moves the industry and what helps it move forward. Because, a regular practical exchange of experience is a guarantee for good ideas.
At diverse, selected events such as the regular VIP3000 Symposium, members discuss the latest findings and applications in the pharmaceutical industry as well as sector and country specifics with industry experts. And science is an integral part of that too. It fundamentally and sustainably enriches the dialogue with in-depth analyses by experts on knowledge topics and trends.

VIP3000 – the pool of know-how
The association "Interessengemeinschaft Pharmabau 3000 e. V." endeavours to promote all technologies for the planning and realisation of modern pharmaceutical production facilities and associated specialist areas, to make new findings and their application known, and to support their implementation.
This includes the construction of production buildings in line with pharmaceutical requirements, and serves to create a counterweight to foreign "all-round providers" of cleanroom solutions. To this end, the association and its members offer a pool of know-how which can also be accessed by users.