We create Visions for Cleanrooms and Pharma Construction

To the Experts Profile

VIP3000 – the quality network

The association "Interessengemeinschaft Pharmabau 3000 e. V." – VIP3000 for short – bundles ideas and visions in conjunction with the topic of cleanrooms and pharmaceuticals in a unique form. Leading companies and research institutions of the German-speaking pharmaceutical, chemical and cosmetic industry, their suppliers as well as planners and universities are involved in VIP3000.

Together, the approximately 60 members form a quality network with the aim of promoting all technologies for the planning and implementation of modern pharmaceutical production facilities and associated specialist areas, publishing new findings and their application, and supporting their practical implementation. The focus is on the fields of pharmaceutical process engineering, building services engineering and the construction of production buildings suitable for pharmaceuticals.

Your VIP3000 advantages

  • Professional network
  • Exchange of experience at a high level
  • Expert knowledge
  • Successful in global competition
  • Lectures and symposia
  • Always keeps pace with the times
  • Circle of experts consisting of consultants, specialists and suppliers


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The practical work of reference

  • Competence index of members
  • Foreign experience of members
  • Brief portraits and contact persons
  • Industry trends
  • Quick Facts

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