
We make life better

  • If a company has enjoyed market success for decades, then this is a sure sign that it knows what it is doing. Bilfinger Life Science GmbH has 65 years of experience in plant and pipe engineering. Established in 1955, it has been part of the Bilfinger Group since 2009.

    With more than 500 core employees, the company engineers, fabricates and assembles piping, systems and equipment for the biotechnology/ pharmaceuticals industry, the microelectronics and nutrition sectors and general industry. With its range of services, Bilfinger covers the entire plant life cycle – from the seed idea through to installation and start-up and beyond to maintenance.

    Bilfinger Life Science has customers not only in Europe but also around the world. Over the last few years, the company has been delivering process equipment for the biopharma industry to countries as far away as China as well as other Asian countries. It has its own locations in Germany, Austria, Switzerland, Belgium/ Netherlands as well as sales partners in Turkey and Singapore, thus ensuring close proximity to customers.


    • bioreactor systems and fermentation equipment
    • solution preparation systems
    • CIP/ SIP systems
    • ultra-pure media systems
    • purification systems
    • media supply and disposal
    • waste water treatment


    • engineering
    • piping
    • automation
    • construction
    • commissioning
    • service

    Bilfinger Life Science GmbH
    Urstein Nord 31
    Phone: +43 662 8695-0


    John-Patrick Lesser
    Strategic Account Manager

    Company data
    Founded: 1955
    Staff: >500


    • Austria: Puch/Salzburg (headquarters), Vienna, Kundl
    • Germany: Dresden, Heidelberg, Penzberg, Stuttgart
    • Belgium/the Netherlands: Temse
    • Switzerland: Basel

    Business areas

    Pharma/Biopharma, Microelectronics, Nutrition

    • Piping and assembly
    • Plants and systems
    • Water solutions
    • Spare parts and maintenance

    Abbott, Alexion, Baxter, Bayer, Beijing Biotech, Biogen, Boehringer Ingelheim, B. Braun, Chr. Hansen, CSL Behring, EBEWE Pharma, EVER Neuro Pharma, Fresenius, Genzyme, GSK, Intervet, Janssen, Lactosan, Lonza, Merck, Millipore, MSD, Nestlé, Novartis, Novo Nordisk, Nycomed, Octapharma, Pfizer, Regeneron, Rentschler, Roche, Sandoz, Sanofi, Takeda, Teva, UCB, Vetter, Wanle, W.C. Heraeus



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